My Personality Type

description of this personality describes me fairly well. People with an ENFJ
personality are optimistic and forward thinking. I always try to find the good
in every situation, despite any poor circumstances. I am also very idealistic
and my mindset is focused constantly on the future. I find it strange that
powerful leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. share my personality type
because sometimes I find it hard to lead. I aspire to be a strong and inspiring
leader, but I feel like it's something I can still improve upon.
People who have an ENFJ personality like to maintain healthy relationships and can become exhausted if they are surrounded by too much negative emotion. This is probably the most accurate description of me. If I am surrounded by too much negative energy I become drained. This prompted me to cut out the toxic influences in my life. People with an ENFJ personality are very, if not overly empathetic. This clarifies why I have such a strong compassion for everything. I feel having an ENFJ personality also explains my love for words. I love how books and songs are written. They way words give us the power to communicate in so many different ways is crazy. It's fascinating how 26 letters in the alphabet have such a power over us. ENFJ personalities typically find communication to be key and use words to connect with others.
The Truity website defines a person with an ENFJ personality as a teacher. I find this funny because I intend to become a college english professor. I want to be able to motivate and support people and being a teacher is a great way for me to achieve this. Sometimes it's hard for me to find my voice in a group, but when I do I give 110%. It's extremely important to me that I reach and help others reach their maximum potential. I also find it ironic that Myers-Briggs describe the ENFJ personality as an "inspiring leader" because I am working towards becoming an ambassador for an organization called Team Inspire.
People with the ENFJ personality sometimes over exaggerate their words to produce their desired effect. I do this a lot, as hyperboles are a part of my everyday language. This could be confused with wanting attention or ignorance. I am not ignorant I just find that exaggerations are a part of speech I am comfortable with, but I think it has just become habit for me to exaggerate everything.
Through discovering I have an ENFJ personality type I have come to the realization that I really do aspire to become a teacher. This personality type explains my compassion and empathetic attitude towards situations and why I have such a concern with reaching my full potential. It also qualifies my idealistic mindset and why I tend to live in the future.
Nicely done. Strange how this system can help explain parts of ourselves that we didn't fully understand before. I think you will be a great teacher!